Well, it has happened. I finally got off my buttox and started to make to damn things.
Let me rephrase that. I have started to pull the materials together. I already had a pistol, but now I have a long gun to mod. Big deal, you say. Everyone is moding guns, you say.
Yes, but as I said before somewhere on this blog thing, I am making them work.
Now granted, I have no way of making miniature leyden spheres, but I can make the guns.
What in the name of the sacred bean are you talking about you loon, you ask.
Well, to recap, I am building a steam/diesel transitional persona based on the vernsian.
The guns in 20,000 leagues were air guns that shot miniature leyden (look it up you lazy bums) spheres. What is the modern equivalent...paintball guns. Air guns that shoot spherical objects.
So, I have an old paintball pistol that is still functional that I will be steaming out, and I have just found a tippman a-5 used that I will be modding. I have found a company that already makes custom weapon shrouds for the mil-sim people and they have one that I can screw around with to get the effect I want. Then it is just accessorizing.
Isn't it always down to the acessories?
Did I mention that they will still be functional paintball guns when I am done? Anyone up for a steampunk paintball team?